Hey lovelies,
I have a super cute lipstick set to share with you today! It's the Innisfree Mini Tint Lipstick Best Collection, a set of three miniature versions of Innisfree's best selling shades from the Creamy Tint lipstick line. I've wanted to try the Creamy Tint lipsticks since they were first released, so I jumped at the chance to try a few of them at once with this set. The lipsticks included are #1 Flower Buds Pink, #2 Cocktail Pink and #12 Wind Coral, all of which are available in the permanent line.
Inside the presentation box, the lipsticks are nestled snugly. The cases have a holiday print too, with Christmas baubles and stars - I love when brands release special packaging! The full size versions of these lipsticks have plain white packaging, which looks lovely too, but this is pretty special.
Let's take a look at these lippies! They all have great colour pay off and dry to a matte finish. Flower Buds Pink reminds me of MAC All Fired Up, while Cocktail Pink calls to mind MAC Embrace Me or Candy Yum Yum, but Wind Coral is pretty unique in my collection.
#1 Flower Buds Pink is a muted raspberry pink matte. It had the best texture of the three I tried and fantastic colour pay off. This shade stained a bit.
Further details on the make up used for this look can be found here :)
#2 Cocktail Pink is a light super bright pink which also had great colour pay off. I did experience some minor settling into liplines about 10 minutes after application. I LOVE this colour!
Love Cocktail Pink paired with this aqua eyeliner!
#12 Wind Coral is a light orange-leaning coral, probably the lightest coral in my collection. I have a love/hate relationship with this one - I adore the colour on me, but it really highlights imperfections and settles into liplines. I'm going to try it again after some careful lip prep and see if it fares better.
They're not kidding about the 'mini' in the title - these lipsticks are tiny! I think they're absolutely adorable though and a great way to try a few shades from the Creamy Lip Tint range. I found the tiny lip bullets made for a really precise application too. If mini lippies aren't your thing though, you can pick up any of these shades in full size tubes.
What I liked:
- Cocktail Pink and Flower Buds Pink had great lasting power and colour pay off.
- Super cute packaging
- Some of these shades have a tendency to settle into liplines, which was most noticeable with Wind Coral. I also experienced this with Cocktail Pink to a lesser extent.
- Wind Coral emphasised flaws and took a little care to even out.
- The Mini Tint Lipstick collection is a limited edition set but is still in stock at W2Beauty.com for $17.93USD at the time of writing, which is where I purchased mine. Shipping took a little over a week and my parcel came with generous free samples.
Thanks for stopping by!
PS. Have you checked out my giveaway?

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