Lush Magic Wand Bubble Bar Photos & Review

Purchased by me

Hey lovelies,

Our latest obsession here at the Team Buddy fortress (yes, I am absolutely putting that on our letter box) is Lush bubble bars. Noel, like most three and a half year olds, ADORES bubble baths, but nothing bums him out more than bubbles that pop and disappear within minutes of hopping into the tub. We'd been buying various brands of bubble bath from pharmacies for a while with mixed results - some of them seemed to dissipate immediately, others required you to use half the bottle to get any bubbles, still others smelled awful!

Then I was given the Lush Rosie gift set for my birthday earlier in the year, which contains two bubble bars, and it was a total game changer. Long lasting bubbles that smell incredible? Um, yes please! You just crumble off as much as you need, so you can get several baths out of one bar.

Well, if we were already sold on the regular bubble bars, we were downright clamorouing for this jumbo sized reusable Magic Wand bubble bar! Instead of crumbling off a bit of the bar, this Christmas offering can be swirled in the water to create beautiful Snow Fairy scented bubbles, then you just pop it somewhere safe to dry out, ready for your next bath.

Forgive the over exposed picture, my camera freaked out a bit at the neon pink and purple together, but the second photo shows the colour of the wand more accurately. We've used ours a handful of times already since taking these photos and it's only just starting to thin a bit.

Lush Magic Wand Bubble Bar Photos & Review

Lush Magic Wand Bubble Bar Photos & Review

We used our Magic Wand bubble bar with the Sparkler ballistic for golden shimmery water.

Lush Magic Wand Bubble Bar Photos & Review

The Magic Wand bubble bar is $11.50NZD at Lush. Next on our wishlist is Brightside and Holly Go Lightly!

Are you a fan of Lush bubble bars? Got a favourite? Share in the comments!


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