Jessie over at Nailed It NZ is running a nail art competition just for Kiwis at the moment. Awesome! I'm not particularly skilled at nail art but I thought I'd give it a go. My friend PJ did paua (abalone shell native to NZ) nails a while back which I thought were absolutely amazeballs, so I decided to try my hand at some paua nails too. I was so happy with the results, I took way too many photos!
China Glaze - Smoke and Ashes
, 2 coats on all nails
China Glaze - IDK, 2NITE & DV8 applied randomly with a dotting tool on accent nail
China Glaze - Smoke & Ashes with a dotting tool to clean up some areas on accent nail
Hits Speciallita - Jazz, 1 sparse coat on accent nail
In the shade, indoors.
Macro shade, indoors.
Macro, sunlight
What I like most is that it looks quite different indoors and out. In the sunlight the holo really takes over, but in the shade, the flakies come out to play. I'd love to hear what you think!
If you'd like to enter, please head on over to Jessie's blog. The prize is some gorgeous China Glaze polish! :)

Holy cow, that POPS in the sun! Beautiful!!! <3
ReplyDeleteThanks! :D