Hey lovelies,
Whoops! This post was supposed to be scheduled for 7AM on Monday, but I must have done something wrong :s
Today I have some good old fashioned spam for you!
Depend is a Swedish brand, but it has started popping up in Postie stores in NZ in recent years. I've also found it in a pharmacy on Lambton Quay, which tends to have different colours to the ones in Postie (which tends to have the same stock in each store).
They're only $3 a pop so I have amassed a wee collection of them. Opacity is usually pretty great, and I think the little bottles are so cute!
[Click to enlarge the photos]
#167, 2 coats.
#034, 2 coats.
#034 (Possibly mislabelled? I'm not sure which of these is the real #034), 3 coats.
I suspect this may be #244 with a wrong label.
#115, 3 coats.
#190, 1 coat over #115.
This is pretty, but I feel like the base of #190 is too dense for layering. I'll have to try it over a paler colour.
#086, 2 coats.
Not really me.
#069, 2 coats
#188, 2 coats.
Poor polish, any uneven texture is due to my base coat, not from the polish. Not a flattering shade on me though.
#136, 3 coats.
Love this shade, but it was a bit streaky.
#202, 2 coats.
#201, 3 coats with an accent nail of Color Club Wicked Sweet
#255, 3 coats.
#262, 3 coats.
#242, 4 coats.
Yucky on my skintone!
#204, 2 coats.
#252, 3 coats.
Yikes! My poor nails!
#228, 2 coats.
#200, 2 coats.
#058, 1 coat over Zoya - Neeka.
I'm not sure I like this over Neeka. Hmm.
#171, 1 coat

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