Hey lovelies,
Another late night post! I'm becoming quite the night owl in the lead up to Christmas, regularly working til 2 or 3 am on Christmas craft. Good thing Noel likes big sleep ins, or I'd be a total zombie! At the moment it's nothing some Black V can't cure ;)
I started a group on Facebook for my fellow kiwi polish addicts a while back, and it's so much fun. The girls (and boy!) are all such sweethearts. We've been organising stash clear-outs, sharing news of sales, discussing lemmings and all sorts. Recently we organise a secret santa - but we dubbed our version Polish Elves instead!
Lisa from Never Ending Obsession was my Polish Elf, and she very sweetly dropped my gifts off on Monday night. Sadly for me, I was at work, which meant Mike got excited calls from me asking him to check the front porch and bring the treasures safely inside. Once I knew they were there, the night stretched out soooo much longer!! But finally it was home time and I got to open my prezzies.
First of all, sorry for the crappy photos. It was late (10:30) and I just couldn't wait til morning. There was no way the cupcakes were lasting til morning! I couldn't even resist eating 1 of the 5 before taking this photo!
Oh my god, the cupcakes were sooooooo good. I'm hungry again looking at this photo. Lisa, you can come live in my kitchen! :D
Polish! Lisa gifted me Essence Chic Reloaded, Sally Hansen Lavender Sky, Nubar Meadow Sparkle
, GOSH Golden Dragon and Cirque Dark Horse(!!!!). There's also an IOU for Daring Digits Master Shake. Holy crap right? I am soooo lucky! Thank you Lisa!
Noel enjoying a cupcake. Okay, he has an awkward chewing face here, but he was saying "mmmmmm, mmmmmm!" happily the whole time!
Nivea Beaute Sea Extracts Manicure base coat
L.A. Colors - Candy Sprinkles
, 3 coats
Glitttaaaa macro!
I nabbed Candy Sprinkles
while Christmas shopping last week after Nicola from Leona Carolina gave the polish group the heads up that Postie had new LA Colors polishes. It's so gorgeous! It was just about perfect in 2 coats but I decided to add a third for extra depth. I think I might leave it at 2 next time though, as it looked a little more delicate that way. I also had to grab a bottle of this for the lovely Zoe, who I Polish Elfed for. Share the glitter love!
Finally, I had to share this picture of my crazy boy. I just got a new ELF liquid eyeliner (review on its way!) and Noel got creative the second I turned my back. I think he's rocking it, heehee!
Man, I can't wait for tomorrow. I'm catching up with Annemarie from Gimikd Girl and hitting up a cosmetics clearance sale, which hopefully will have some awesome polish for us! The word from Lisa was that they only had shatters but I'm crossing my fingers that they will have restocked overnight. Generally they keep extra boxes of stock under the tables that they bring out over the couple of days those sales run, so I'm remaining optimistic. I'm kind of hoping to get over to Postie and the op shops in Kilbirnie too to get summer clothes for Noel & I, but I may run out of time. Wish me luck!
Have a great day!

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