Sorry I've been a bit slack with posts over the last few days. Work has been flat out - I was even nudey nailed yesterday, which is unlike me! Managed to do some quick swatches and a mani today though. I've installed Blogger on the tablet so I can post this way too, hope it works!
Party season is in full swing at work at the moment. We are off to the races tomorrow (I shall have the Lana Del Rey song stuck in my head the whole time) so that should be a lot of fun. I love partying with my workmates, they are such a sweet bunch, and I can really cut loose and stop being a mum for the night.
We had another work do on Wednesday, to which I wore MAC's Lady Danger lippy (and a mustache, like a boss.) Unfortunately I wasn't quick enough putting away my purse the next day, and Noel took great delight in trying Lady Danger out on himself. On his hands. In his ear. All through his hair. He gave the couch a going over for good measure. What a ratbag! But how can I be mad with a grin like that?
Good thing it wasn't my favourite! (You can find my favourites here.) Actually, I think it looks better on him ;)

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