July 2015 Empties

Purchased by me/Provided for review

Hey lovelies,

After I spent June thiiiiiis close to finishing up a few things, in July I emptied quite a lot! Seriously - I kept forgetting more things and having to collage together more pictures to show you all of it :D This month is pretty heavy on products that make a regular appearance in my Empties posts, along with some favourites I haven't discussed yet. Happily, not too many duds!

July 2015 empties

  • Skinlite Make-up Cleansing Tissues
    These wipes pop up in Empties posts as often as I remember to photograph them! I've been using this brands since I was maybe 18 or 19 and they're great. They effectively remove most makeup, including waterproof mascara, without irritating my eyes or skin. Love that I can pick them up for between $3 and $4.50 at Kmart or The Warehouse too.
  • Real Techniques Miracle Sponge
    Patrick decided this sponge was ready for an Empties post when he bit a big chunk out of it. Thanks Pat T_T I've already got two others and absolutely love them. Will keep repurchasing probably until the end of time!
  • MOR Blood Orange Hand and Body Lotion
    This was a GWP with a bridal magazine I bought late last year. I love the packaging, it's absolutely gorgeous, but the lotion itself didn't feel like anything special - similar to the OPI Avojuice in its lightness. The blood orange scent was neither here nor there for me. 
  • Red Seal Zinc, B6 & Magnesium
    Love this stuff for helping to keep my hair and nails healthy. Repurchased already!
  • Tosowoong Nothing is Impossible Remover
    I kind of can't believe I've never mentioned my love for this makeup remover before - it's absolutely amazing and the few days between finishing it up and my replacement bottle arriving were truly nail biting. It's great for removing anything my usual wipes are struggling with and will shift all but the most stubborn staining makeup (no more hot pink stained lips for two days!).
  • OPI Avojuice Holly Berry Hand & Body Lotion
    This is my second to last mini Avojuice - just one more to finish up! Holly Berry was a Christmas scent for 2013, I think, and it's okay. Sweet with a hint of cinnamon, which on paper sounds like something I'd adore but it just fell a bit flat for me - I really can't put my finger on why! This isn't something I'd repurchase, the Avojuice formula just isn't hydrating enough for my tastes.
  • Collection Does It All mascara
    It was a sad day when this mascara finally ran out! I loved it so much that I never even got around to reviewing it (which sounds odd, but often my most loved products, which live in my makeup bag, are rather out of sight, out of mind for the blog, despite being what I reach for whenever I do my makeup.) It thickens, it lengthens, it curls, it stays put all day - will definitely repurchase. Only thing I don't like is how stubborn it can be to remove without a dedicated eye makeup remover like Tosowoong Nothing is Impossible. I can't blearily smear a makeup wipe across my face late at night and know everything is gone if I'm wearing Does It All. Not that I do that... often..
  • Maybelline Babylips Antioxidant Berry
    Gotta love the cheap and cheerful Babylips and Antioxidant Berry is still my favourite flavour from the range. I've now polished off two! They're quite hydrating, great for the price.
  • Weleda Everon  Lip Balm*
    I technically didn't get to finish this, because Patrick dunked it in a glass of water while it was uncapped and it actually went mouldy - EW! I was about halfway through it and it's a really great lip balm. If you're keen on natural ingredients and a good amount of hydration with no tint or shine, check this out.

July empties

  • Rainbowlicious cupcake
    This was the soap of choice for our bathroom sink for a while there and it got used up very quickly (it is rather small in size though, a bit bigger than a squash ball). The topping is whipped soap mousse and it feels amazing! My hands felt very soft and hydrated after using this soap. A definite repurchase, the only trouble will be choosing from the multitude of colour combos, scents and toppings!
  • LUSH Phoenix Rising bath bomb
    This was actually Noel's empty, since he chose it at LUSH, but he let me share the bath with him so I guess it counts :D This coloured our bath a beautiful pink and smelled lovely too. Would repurchase.
  • LUSH Love You Mum soap*
    This sort of ended up being Noel's empty too as I started using it but couldn't get into the smell, which is rather musky. Noel was unphased and happily used this up. He liked how knobbly the flower petals were and especially enjoyed pulling them off and sliding them around the shower floor #fouryearoldlife

  • LUSH Cupcake Face Mask*
    A face mask that smells and looks like chocolate?! Do I need any further persuasion to repurchase this? Okay, it also did a great job of helping to clear up my hormonal breakouts during shark week and didn't make my face feel dried out.
  • LUSH Brazened Honey Face Mask*
    I really liked the smell of this one in store, but applied to my face it was a little stronger than I was keen on. It's very very gritty, so it gave my skin a good scrub as I rinsed it off - I really enjoyed that! I'm on the fence about trying this again, I think I'll give something else from the LUSH face mask range a shot first.

  • LUSH Parsley Porridge and Mangnificent soaps*
    Now before you think I am some insane soap consuming monster, I've had some help from my little boys using these two up and they were about two thirds gone by June, so not much to finish off in July! Mangnificent smells beautiful but I found it didn't lather as much as previous LUSH soaps I have used. Parsley Porridge is a face and body soap, with a more textured side to give your face some light exfoliation. To be honest I really wasn't a fan of its scent and it also leached green colour onto the other soaps nearby it in the shower, so I wouldn't repurchase. BUT it did clean my face well and I didn't have any issues with it causing breakouts or stripping the skin, so if you like the scent it'd be worth picking up. 
  • LUSH D'Fluff Strawberry Shaving Soap*
    This stuff is LIFE CHANGING. It's made such a difference to the condition of my underarms, I will definitely repurchase the first chance I get. I reviewed it here.

Did you have any empties in July?


*Provided for review

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