Two Longtime Lemmings

Hey lovelies,

Today I'd like to share a mani I wore on Thursday which paired two longtime lemmings of mine!

Glisten & Glow - Stuck On Blu basecoat

Orly - Prelude To A Kiss, 3 coats
Essence Color & Go - Make It Golden
Glisten & Glow - HK Girl Topcoat

I'd actually given up on getting Make It Golden since Essence isn't available in NZ and I don't think this shade is in the revamped Color & Go line. But you should never give up on a lemming, because they have a funny way of popping up when you least expect it! I scored Make It Golden from Nicola's destash.

Prelude To A Kiss was love at first sight, but was a little trickier to work with than I'd hoped. It was slightly streaky and prone to bubbling. However, I wasn't being as careful as I could have been during application, so hopefully next time it will go better! At any rate, I think these two polishes make a cute combination. What do you think?



  1. Gorgeous! I love coral/orange/peach and gold, I think that entire colour family is just MADE for gold!!

    1. Thanks! I have a soft spot for those colours too :)
