
Hey lovelies,

Gosh! Almost a month since I last wrote a blog post. That was unexpected, and certainly unintentional. We moved on the 29th of June, and were supposed to get our internet installed that day.... a week of mucking around later on Vodafone's part, we were hooked up. Then it took me ages to get our office organised and locate all the desktop computer stuff. I could go on, but lists of excuses are no fun! Instead, I'll share what we've been up to over the past month:

Moved in to our new house! Here's Noel helping.

Reached 12 weeks in my pregnancy with our second child. Noel is super excited to be a big brother!

Noel has recently become obsessed with Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends. He calls them all "Toot Toot!"

Noel is also enjoying the benefits of my current pregnancy craving - donuts!

Duplo is the new big thing at our house.

Noel's Duplo collection has exploded over the past month!

I also swatched the rest of my 'tried' polish collection :D

Phew! Time to start writing up some drafts and find a spot at our new house for taking photos. At the moment I'm using Noel's toy workbench and anywhere else with a smattering of sunlight, haha.



  1. AnonymousJuly 22, 2013

    We've missed you! Glad you're settled in, and that was a VERY busy month for you! :D
